
Our Policies

HRD Integrated Services has a range of policies and procedures that support its operations as an RTO. Learners and employers can access the policies that are most relevant to their situation.

Academic policies


HRD Integrated Services supports a rigorous assessment process that incorporates feedback and is based on explicit, pre-specified, and/or negotiated criteria that fairly and accurately reflect industry standards of performance.

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Code of Conduct

No person should behave in a way that impairs the learning process or in any way prejudices the good order or facility of HRD or the learning environments it uses.

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Learning Performance & Progress

Both HRD and its employer clients have performance and progress expectations of learners undertaking any course.

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Mobile & Smart Technology Use

The use of mobile phones and smart devices is permitted only during break.

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Recognition of Prior Learning

RPL is the formal recognition of a person’s current skills and knowledge, regardless of how, when or where the learning occurred.

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Results and Document Retention

A Qualification or Statement of Attainment is typically issued within 30 days of confirmation of eligibility.

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Other policies

Access & Equity

HRD adheres to principles of access, equity and equal opportunity, and maximises outcomes for its trainees.

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Child Safety Commitment

HRD is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of young people under the age of 18 in our care from child abuse and neglect.

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Complaints & Appeals

HRD accepts formal compaints and offers alternative dispute resolution using a qualified mediation practitioner.

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Copyright & Ethical Considerations

The HRD website, printed materials, training materials and learner resources, assessment documents, company and RTO documents are all copyright–protected.

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Privacy Statement

HRD complies with Standard for RTOs 2015, National VET Data Policy and the Privacy Amendment Act 2012.

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Web Privacy Statement

HRD acknowledges the National Privacy Principles described by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

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