
Code of Conduct

HRD Integrated Services aims to provide a positive learning environment. This conduct policy ensures that no person impairs the learning process or work performance for others. It also ensures no one prejudices the good order or facility of HRD or the learning environments it uses.

Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct includes cheating, plagiarism, and collusion. HRD’s Cheating and Plagiarism policy and procedure describe how this is dealt with. Cheating means acting dishonestly so that an assessor accepts what a learner presents as their genuine understanding and ability in the subject.

It is cheating to:

  • use notes or other resources without permission during assessment.
  • submit another learner’s work and claim it as your own.
  • hand in a completely duplicated assignment.
  • allow another learner to submit your work as their own.
  • steal a test paper or solution from a trainer.

A person must not attempt to gain, or assist a learner to gain, an unfair advantage by cheating in an assignment, assessment task, examination, or test.

Plagiarism is copying work or using part of another person’s work without acknowledging the source. It is a form of cheating. Avoid plagiarism or cheating by not presenting plagiarized work or work done in collusion with another person as your own.

If you are found to have engaged in academic misconduct, sanctions may be imposed. Cheating will be reported to your employer and may result in your withdrawal from training.

Behavioral Misconduct

Behavioral misconduct includes actions that breach HRD policies and procedures (or their intent) or affect the freedom of others to pursue learning. Examples of behavioral misconduct include (but are not limited to):

  • not complying with a reasonable request made by an HRD staff member to ensure personal safety and the orderly conduct of learning programs and other HRD activities.
  • any act or failure to act that endangers the safety or health of any other person or causes others to fear for their safety or physical or psychological well-being.
  • bullying, harassment, or discrimination.
  • stealing, destroying, impairing the accessibility of, or defacing any part of HRD property, its resources, or the property or resources of a leased training venue or site.
  • conduct that unduly disrupts or interferes with a class, a meeting, or any other official HRD activity.
  • making a false representation or declaration regarding a matter affecting your student status.
  • being under the influence of prohibited drugs and/or substances, including alcohol, while on HRD premises or while participating in an HRD-related activity.

Instances of misconduct may be referred to a person’s employer for disciplinary action. These actions may also result in sanctions being imposed by HRD, including suspension or exclusion from classes.

For more on Access, Equity, and Conduct, click here.

PDF Tabs
Code of Conduct
Cheating and Plagarism Policy