
USI Information

What is a USI?

The objective of the Unique Student Identifier (USI) is to provide Australian students with a lifelong number. This number allows training outcomes and achievements of each student to be individually captured centrally, kept secure, and accessed on demand by the student or a training provider as needed.

Do I Need One?

From 1 January 2015, all participants in accredited training must have a USI. Accredited training results in the award of a nationally recognised certificate or statement of attainment.

If you do not provide us with a USI, HRD Integrated Services cannot, by law, issue you a Certificate, a Statement of Attainment, or a Statement of Results for your accredited training.

How Do I Get One?

HRD will not apply for a USI on your behalf. If you do not have one at the time of enrolment, HRD will provide you with computer access to obtain one.

To apply:

1. Have at least one form of ID ready: Driver’s Licence, Australian Passport, Medicare Card, Birth Certificate, Visa (with non-Australian Passport), Immigration Card, or Citizenship Certificate.
2. Have your personal contact details ready: address, email, and/or phone number.
3. Visit the Unique Student Identifier website.
4. Agree to the terms and conditions and follow the USI steps.
5. Record your unique number and keep it somewhere handy and safe.
6. Bring your number with you when you enrol or re-enrol to continue a course.

Important Enrolment Information

It is crucial that your first name, surname, and date of birth in our student management system match the ID you use to create your USI for verification. For example, if you are listed as Susan in the USI database and Sue at HRD, our student management system will not be able to verify your USI.

A discrepancy or mismatch will cause a delay in your enrolment and the issuing of qualification documents. To avoid this, double-check that your details match exactly across both systems.