617b Signals Test Assistant

617b Signals Test Assistant

Event Phone: 0419889189

  • March 8, 2022 - March 9, 2022
    7:30 am - 3:30 pm

This training provides experienced staff with the additional knowledge and practical skills to assist Testers.

Duration =  1 part day self study + 2 days hands on

Format of training

  1. Learners receive a login to the HRD online learning website – complete self study and a quiz before day 1 of training [due end Mon 7 March]
  2. Attend HRD Norton Drive for a day of practical exercises  [Tue 08 March]
  3. Attend Rail Academy Newport for 1 day to complete further practical exercises and a theory assessment  [Wed 09 March]


Venue Phone: 03 9747 2386

Venue Website:

Factory 10, 8 Norton Drive, Melton, Victoria, 3337, Australia

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