689. UEE41220 RPL Application

689. UEE41220 RPL Application

Event Phone: 0419889189

  • June 29, 2023
    8:00 am - 5:00 pm

689. UEE41220 RPL Application

This event is for students to enrol for RPL application in the UEE41220 Cert IV in electrical rail signalling.

The process for undertaking a RPL is as follows:

  1. Engage with HRD to see if it is likely you are eligible for a RPL, and receive acknowledgement
    NOTE: contact phil@hrdi.com.au to confirm before going to Step 2.
  2. Enrol (this page) into UEE41220 Cert IV + Pay the Application fee  $250  #
  3. Read the induction materials
  4. Receive a quote outlining the fee structure
  5. Receive a Dropbox to share personal records with the assessor
  6. Have your records assessed
  7. Undertake any practical assessment that is reasonable
  8. Complete and sign the RPL record
  9. Pay the balance of your RPL Fee  #
  10. Receive your Cert IV (if RPL is complete)

# selected clients will be invoiced directly, these students will receive a PO Code from HRD to use here on this page to zero the balance in this application. If you do not have the code contact phil@hrdi.com.au


Venue Phone: 03 9747 2386

Venue Website:

Factory 10, 8 Norton Drive, Melton, Victoria, 3337, Australia

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